Configuration files are a constant source of errors. Especially with older systems (before version 8.0), which did not yet have the possibility to make online persistent changes (e.g. "set global persist…"), there were often minor problems. The parameter was set online (but volatile; i.e. not rebootable) due to a lack of downtime and was written to...
The GeoJSON format ( is a popular exchange format because it is supported by many applications. In addition, the JSON structure makes it easy to read for both humans and machines.With the help of the procedure "sdo_util.from_geojson" provided by Oracle Spatial the format can be converted very easily into the da...
I use PowerShell almost daily to access data in Oracle databases. Why, especially in this combination, I want to present by means of an example. But first there will be a few words about the used technology. Why PowerShell? Quite simply: Because it's there. Completely without the installation of additional components, PowerShell is pres...
Is there more to Kafka than the usual producer and consumer APIs? Kafka, the event streaming platform, is usually known for its producer and consumer APIs allowing applications to write, store and retrieve events from the platform in a decoupled way. In the age of ubiquity of compute resource and huge volume of data being generated, it offers the p...
One of our customers uses self-signed certificates for some internal processes. From a technical perspective, they work as expected. Problems arise after about one year, when the certificates expire. Since they are not officially signed, no one watches them to check when they expire. I was wondering if there was a way to set up an easy watch and al...
One key feature of Apache NiFi is scheduling. NiFi dataflows should cover streaming and batch use cases. But how can we connect both worlds together, and what settings are available? In this blog, we want to check the scheduling possibilities and show how to use them correctly. General scheduling options The dataflow engineer has in total two...